Rowing is a Drug Free Sport and random drug testing may be performed on some of the athletes. Please be aware that the authorities are extremely strict and take this very seriously and if any child is tested positive for any banned substances not only would their team be disqualified, but they would need to appear before a hearing and could be banned from the sport.Rowing is a drug free sport – say NO to doping
It is therefore essential that if any rower is on any medication – from asthma medication, to Ritalin, to prescribed antibiotics, to normal over the counter cold and flu medication, to general antihistamines – must check the World Anti-Doping Prohibited Drugs List to see what medicines are prohibited. Should any of the medication be on the prohibited list please ensure that the TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) form is completed as soon as possible and returned to your MIC of Rowing. Only prohibited medication needs to be reported.
You can also go directly to the Medication Check on the Drug Free Sport website and type in the name of the medication to verify whether or not it is on the banned list of substances. Just type in a name of the medication (e.g. – Bisolvon Linctus – which is an over the counter cough syrup ) and it will tell you whether it is prohibited or not.
For those Apple junkies, there is an application which works well and does come in handy when buying medication.
If visiting a doctor for any prescription medicines, please inform the doctor that your child rows and that rowing is a drug free support and that the medicines used should be applicable and must not contain any BANNED/PROHIBITED substances. All Doctors and pharmacists should be aware of what can be administered.
For any further information please visit the Drugs Free Sport web site or the Rowing South Africa web site.
South African Schools Rowing Union
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 00 424 046 4
Branch: Eastgate (018 505)