The primary object of the Schools Boat Race is to give full effect to the “Challenge” as set out above. An important – but secondary – object is to stimulate greater interest in rowing in the various provinces and in South Africa generally, through advertising the Boat Race in the local media and securing radio, press, TV coverage etc. (And we might find that many other schools start showing an interest in rowing – and in eights!)
Another important – but, again, secondary – object is to assist the various provinces in gaining sponsorship for rowing. [If the Boat Race can be turned into a really important event on the SA Schools’ sporting calendar, necessary finance for schools’ rowing should be increasingly less difficult to obtain.]
An Annual Meeting of participating rowing schools shall take place at the time and at the venue of the annual Boat Race.
Each participating school shall be entitled to two voting members at the Annual Meeting.
The purpose of the AGM shall be to take decisions on all issues relating to the operation of the Boat Race:
South African Schools Rowing Union
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 00 424 046 4
Branch: Eastgate (018 505)